Beauty, DIY Skin Care Tips, Home Remedies

Homemade Face Mask To Tighten Skin Fast

Looking for the perfect home remedy to shrink large pores and reduce the appearance of fine lines and premature wrinkles? Well, you are in luck because here is my secret homemade face mask to tighten skin that I use all the time. This facemask consists of only 3 natural ingredients that you may already have in your kitchen!

We are talking coconut oil, egg whites, and lemon juice! Coconut oil contains fatty acids such as linoleic acid which help protect your skin from harmful environmental toxins, retain moisture, and keep it hydrated.

Egg whites help combat aging and help reduce plaque and lemon juice contains vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from harmful UV rays and removes dirt, grease, and excess oil.

Note: If you have skin allergies or are allergic to any of the ingredients in this remedy, please get a skin patch test or at least consult with your dermatologist before using this remedy!

Homemade Face Mask To Tighten Skin Faster Than Botox

Homemade Face Mask To Tighten Skin Fast

Lemon juice contains citric acids and lots of vitamin C which is an antioxidant that works wonders on the skin. Adding lemons to your homemade face masks can help reduce skin damage and premature aging, decrease oily skin, and reduce inflammation!

Who says that looking young and beautiful has to cost you an arm and a leg right? There are many natural remedies that can help you tighten your skin, and remove pimples, moles, acne, rashes, and other skin issues at home!

The trick is being consistent with them and you will eventually get the results you need.


  • 1 Egg White
  • ½ Teaspoon Of Coconut Oil
  • ½ Teaspoon Of Lemon Juice

Preparation & Application:

First, you will need to separate the egg whites from the yolk, next, using a hand whisk, beat the egg whites until you have a semi-heavy foam.

Add in the rest of your ingredients and mix them into an even consistency. Before applying this face mask, wash your face with warm water and dry it with a clean towel.

Using your fingers, apply the face mask, and start massaging your face with your fingertips in a circular motion. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before washing it off with warm water.

Repeat this procedure at least 2-4 times per week for best results.

How This Skin-Tightening Homemade Face Mask Works

Coconut oil is very rich in collagen which helps increase and repair skin elasticity. Using coconut oil daily on your skin can help keep your face wrinkle-free and make your skin look and feel firmer.

Lemons are so rich in vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant that helps keep your skin and gums healthy. You may also want to drink a warm cup of lemon water every morning because it is great for the skin as well.

Studies show that drinking lemon juice with water daily can increase elasticity in the skin. Egg whites contain protein, riboflavin, magnesium, and potassium. When used regularly, they help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, keep the face hydrated, boost healing, and promote the growth of new and healthy facial tissues.

homemade face mask to tighten skin fast

Want More Homemade Face Masks & Remedies?


There you go! You now know how to make your very own homemade face mask to tighten your skin. if you liked this post, please share it with your friends and family, and also take a moment to follow me on Pinterest for more helpful skincare tips.