Beauty, DIY Skin Care Tips, Home Remedies

This Avocado Oil DIY Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum Works Like Magic!

The skin under our eyes is more delicate than the rest of our face, which means those fine lines can show up a bit sooner. Unfortunately, most skincare products aren’t suitable for this sensitive area. That’s where this avocado oil DIY anti-wrinkle eye serum comes to the rescue!

I have nothing against store-bought anti-aging products but they can be very expensive so I try to make my own at home using simple ingredients from my kitchen. Now if you’re wondering if these ingredients really work, you’ll find out in the next section but from personal experience, they do and there are lots of studies that support their effects.

Plus, when you make your own serum, you know exactly what’s going into it—no mystery ingredients here!

Avocado Oil DIY Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum

How These Ingredients Work

Avocado Oil – is a fantastic choice for your eyes because it’s loaded with fatty acids that keep your skin beautifully moisturized. Plus, with its high levels of vitamins A, C, and E, it refreshes dry skin and fights off free radicals that speed up aging.

Coconut Oil – helps with wrinkles under the eyes by keeping the skin soft and hydrated. It’s a great source of fatty acids, and antioxidants, and boosts collagen production in the skin, all of which reduce fine lines and wrinkles. 

Aloe Vera Gel – according to this study, using fresh aloe vera gel under your eyes can help prevent new wrinkles from forming because it improves collagen production and elasticity in the skin.

Vitamin E – acts as a natural preservative for your DIY serums and creams, also it helps boost collagen production, prevents aging, improves skin tone, and keeps the skin moisturized.

Avocado Oil DIY Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum

  • 2 tablespoons of avocado oil
  • 2 tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel 
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • Dark glass bottle with a dropper

How To Make This Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum

Combine all of the ingredients above until evenly mixed and pour it into the glass bottle. Shake well and store it in a cool dry place. To use this serum, add a few drops to your fingertips and apply it under your eyes before bedtime.

Note: If you use fresh aloe vera gell for this recipe, you’ll have to store it in the fridge or use a natural presearvative like a Leucidal Liquid SF.

Is This Avocado Oil DIY Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum Safe?

Yes, this eye serum is safe to use on most skin types because the ingredients are soothing, moisturizing, and healing. With that being said, if you have extra sensitive skin, try doing a skin patch test at home before using this remedy on your skin.

To perform one, after mixing the ingredients, apply a little bit in your upper inner arm or behind your ear. If there are signs of redness, itching, swelling or rashes, it means that you are allergic to one or more of the ingredient in this remedy.

How Long Does This Homemade Eye Serum Last?

If fresh aloe vera gell isnt added to this recipe, it can last up to a month if you store it in a dark bottle and store it in a cool dry place. Adding fresh aloe however can reduce it’s shelf life to a week just to be safe.

Want More DIY Anti-Wrinkle Remedies?


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Avocado Oil DIY Anti-Wrinkle Eye Serum